2016. január 19., kedd

Anyone used to have crushes on girls?

My memory isn't the best but I remember wanting to touch a boys penis when I was like 6 years old. I had a crush on this one girl from like 3rd grade til 8th.In 8th grade I had a crush on this other girl. I was at a sleepover with a male friend and we both went to one of those websites that supposedly tells you how compatible you and your crush are (by just typing in your names), but that same night I remember kind of hoping something would happen between me and my friend. So I've had 2 girl crushes buy no crushes on guys. Except for being attracted to my teacher in 9th grade and masturbating thinking about him.I don't think I'd call myself bi. I don't know. I can think a girl is pretty or whatever but not really be attracted to her. Although I do generally think girls with long straight hair are prettier. If I watch straight porn I don't like it when the women moan like crazy or much at all really but when men do it in gay porn i don't rewlly mind. But like it when, in straight porn, the men fondle the women's breas.t.

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