2016. január 6., szerda

Am I being ghosted?

So I began talking to a guy through tinder (we'll call him Mike) about a month ago. We were both busy for a bit with school/work so we FaceTimed and were texting nonstop as we planned to meet. He invited me over to his place where we hung out, chatted, kissed, cuddled etc. it seemed to me like a strong connection and it felt promising thinking beyond one date. I told him I was really into him and he said the same to me. He went out of town a couple days after that for the holidays to visit family. We snapchatted on and off throughout this past 3 weeks and he finally got back yesterday.The past couple days we haven't been talking and he opened the two snapchats that I sent him. I texted him today with no reply. I think I'm being ghosted but I'm not one who deals with it very well. If he's not interested he can just tell me but I need some kind of closure or it'll just bother me for a while. What should I do?

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