2015. március 28., szombat

[Spoilers All] Saw the first episode of season 5 at one of the Santa Fe premieres today! Here's a general synopsis if you're curious on which characters and plot lines you'll be seeing in a couple weeks! Crosspost with r/asoiaf.

Read this part if book reader only

Now that that's out of the way, here's what I remember. Trying to write it all down before I forget more details! Scenes not might be in exact order. It's off the top of my head. Sorry in advanced that I suck with names.

First scene is flash back of Cersei as a child where she gets her fortune told about someone more young and beautiful replacing her as queen.

Next scene is Cersei in the present at the funeral of Tywin. She and Jaime visit Tywin's body privately. Jaime says they need to make sure the other houses don't destroy everything their father built. Cersei is, of course, obsessed with getting revenge against Tyrion and blames Jaime for indirectly leading to their father's death. Jaime has a guilty look. She makes him feel more guilty by saying that Jaime was Tywin's favorite person.

Next scene is Tyrion getting out of his barrel. Funny moments ensue where he complains about having to throw his shit out of a hole through the barrel...Varys tells him he had to throw shit from outside the barrel into the ocean. Tyrion drinks copious amounts of wine, throws up and drinks more wine right after.

Next scene is the one from the trailers of a giant statue being torn off a pyramid.

Next scene is one of the unsullied going to a brothel to get cuddled. Suddenly their throat is slit from a person wearing a golden mask.

Next scene is Daenarys being pissed off about this and ordering more unsullied patrols. She feels guilty about her locked up dragons and goes for a visit. I jumped a little in this scene. The room is very dark and then suddenly both dragon's are roaring out fire...not directly at her but you can tell they are very unhappy being locked up.

Scene where Brienne is despondent and doesn't know what to do anymore with her life. Talks to her squire Podrick about how Arya didn't want her help and Sansa is probably dead. She also tells Podrick to go off on his own, she isn't a knight so he isn't a squire. She says she isn't his mother. Sansa and Little Finger ironically are riding by in a fancy carriage right after this scene but Brienne doesn't know or care who is inside. Little Finger is taking Sansa West, somewhere where Cersei would never think to look, he says. In a scene before this, they drop off Robin Arryn with another lord.

Here's where I get more hazy on scene ordering.

Tyrion and Varys are talking again. Varys explains how he wants Daenarys to rule the iron throne and wants Tyrion's help in getting her there. He says he can either drink himself to death or help out Daenarys. Tyrion suggests on a compromise of drinking himself to death on the way to helping out Daenarys.

I don't remember where the wall scenes happen in ordering but here is what happens there.

Jon Snow is training some kid how to fight. Melisandre comes for him saying Stannis wants to see him. They ride up the wall elevator together and Jon asks if she is cold. She says she is warmed by the light or whatever. Jon meets with Stannis Baratheon and Stannis explains that he wants the wildlings to fight for him in the North to get the North back. He thinks it'll be easier now that Tywin is dead. He wants Jon Snow to convince the king beyond the wall to take the knee. Jon meets with the king beyond the wall and of course he doesn't agree to do it. Jon says he's making a huge mistake because he is better alive then dead. He tells Jon that he respects him. The show ends with the king beyond the wall getting burned to death, right as he's about to suffer the most from the fires Jon mercifully puts an arrow threw his heart. Book Spoilers

More scenes where I can't remember the placement:

Oh, I also forgot there is a gay scene with Loras Tyrell and Maergery walks in on it. She is unfazed because brothers and sisters have weird relationships in the Game of Thrones universe but tells her brother he should be more discreet. He replies, why? everyone already knows anyway. Everyone knows everything about everyone at King's Landing. They discuss how he is supposed to marry Cersei and he says he doesn't have to now that Tywin is dead. He says that she wants him to marry her to get rid of her at King's Landing. If they married she'd move to the High Garden and Maergery wouldn'y have to worry about Cersei at King's Landing anymore.

Also, another scene with Daario and Daenarys. A previous scene was with a politician saying they would concede to Daenarys demands, just let them reopen the fighting pits. In this scene, Daario is naked (lots of man butt this episode) trying to convince her that the fighting pits are good. He says he was a slave who was freed because he was so good in the fighting pits.

Also remembered there was a scene between Cersei and her cousin Lancel. He is super pious now with the Seven Gods. Cersei is laughing at his piousness. He asks for forgiveness for his wine serving murder plot of Robert Baratheon and for their inappropriate love. She laughs everything off.

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