2015. március 27., péntek

My parents are so fucking bigoted

Note that I live in New York City, one of THE MOST liberal places.

Okay, so here goes:

Today at dinner, I mentioned that Tim Cook was donating his fortune to charity. My dad said, "That's what smart people with no kids do. It's a good thing they want to help others in need."

My mom said, "Well he's gay, so he can't have kids."

I added that he could always adopt, and here comes the fucked up part:

My mom said, "You know, I always feel bad for those kids. Imagine how tough it must be to have gay parents. It's just not right for the children."

Then I said, "What do you mean? Why isn't it right?"

Then my dad said, "Because everyone will judge them for who their parents are, and then they'll go crazy. It's not fair to them."

I said, "That's just not true. A guy at my school has two mothers, and he doesn't care what anybody says. He's very proud of it, and he doesn't take anything from anyone about it."

My dad sighed and said, "/u/throoowaway222, /u/throoowaway222, you just don't understand." I could tell he was getting angry at me (and he always gets angry at me when I express a different opinion), because he walked away from the dinner table.

My mom said, "I'd rather not have gay people adopting children."

Then I said, "Then what? Is it better to leave children in the adoption system? You know it's horribly overcrowded, right? And there is no guarantee that straight couples make better parents than gay parents. Just because they're straight doesn't automatically mean the kid's life will be easier. They could be abusive." Then I mentioned that my friend (with the two moms) is one of the most intelligent, funny people I know, and that he grew up just fine. Somewhere in there, I mentioned he was gay, and then I realized my mistake.

My mom said, "See?"

And then I said, "Well, it's not like that. He didn't become gay because of his parents, because no one just becomes gay."

Then my mom said, "Yeah, but because of his parents, he was probably very strongly influenced to be gay."


I hate how my parents always act like I'm giving them attitude when I express a different opinion than theirs. You know what? I'm learning to think for myself. Even if they're not the right opinions in your book, even if you want to act like I just "don't understand," even if I'm not part of any solution, at least I'm not the one passing judgment on people and being part of the problem. Fucking hell.

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