2015. március 27., péntek

Mhyles - I'm outttt

Got kicked from SoupSkidz for dying twice today, not looking for attention/any invites to another faction, this gives me the chance to take a break/quit from this cancerous community and game. I'll still fuck around on Kohi and might hop onto HCT and talk every so often, but this game has literally been the same thing for the last while - people getting constantly butthurt, cancer in chat, among other shit. Taking a break/quitting gives me more time to play other games and actually do productive shit with my time rather than battle with blocks.

Want to publicly say sorry for being a cancerous faggot in chat last map, I did it solely to piss people off, if you've ever been in a TS with me, you'd see that I'm chill.

Not gonna do any long gay thanks, but thanks to Kaz/Nicks, Stimpay, Nitsua, CoidWater and Phacgod for giving me chances in their factions.

Gonna miss people out here but idgaf, if I had fun w/ you in chat and shit, thanks - Phacade, Foops, Average, Grimm and everyone else from ReCharge, was fun as fuck playing with you lads, CoId, Glitchy and rest of SweatFest, Nicks and shit from bantersquad, and all of SoupSkidz - was fun as shit playing with you for the short period of time this map, especially Delta, Flapinq, Lead, Elu, Nvid, Gucci, Naxium, Leads and Malen.

Anyone who fought me Map 2 - wanna apologize, I started autoclicking mid way through map 2, but quit shortly after as it was fucking ruining the game for myself and everyone else.

Learn to not take the game seriously, and try enjoy it for a game boys, pce

Edit: Just a PSA everyone - 90% of people now a days hack in some form, whether it be radar, xray, autoclick or a client. Saying this from experience, that many of the "known" players are hacking faggots.

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