2015. március 27., péntek

ELI5:Why is/How did Christianity and Islam become so Anti-Gay?/How did our world become so Anti-Gay?

This is more like multiple questions in one but how and why did Christianity and Islam become so anti-gay or develop extreme hatred for homosexuality? As far as I know, there are bunch of other stuff considered sinful and wrong in the Bible and Quran but people don't really seem to care about them as much as homosexuality. Not only that, it seems like throughout most of human history, being gay was very common in civilization around the globe and some even thought homosexual relationship was holier than hetrosexual relationships. If I remember correctly, even early Christianity and Islam didn't really care about homosexuals that much but today, we see anti-gay being a center of major debate and political agendas and source of lynching and hate crimes all over the place. So maybe my question is, how did the world turn so homophobic in the recent era and what did religion have to do with it?

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