2015. március 27., péntek

As a Christian, I often am grouped up with radicals that I don't approve of. Thoughts?

When I told an atheist friend of mine that I was a Christian, she gave me one of those "I can't believe you" (no pun intended) kind of looks. She went on to complain about how she couldn't believe (no pun intended) how I "wouldn't think twice about burning an innocent gay alive or stoning them to death" and "have no respect for our fallen heroes on the battlefield despite the sacrifice they made for me" none of which was true. As for gays, despite the fact that I don't agree with their beliefs, I would condemn physical and (in most cases) verbal abuse more than the homosexuality itself! And as for our soldiers, I honor their sacrifice, and know many good Christian men who served with no regrets. So anyways, when I asked her about this, she said, "Well that's what the Westboro Baptist Church people say. Those are your people, right?" (Note: her statement did not contain a link.) Well I started thinking, why must I be grouped in with people who completely insult the love and compassion of God, all in the name of serving him? Why must I be thought of as part of a hate group, or a cult? What if I decided that all atheists are like this guy? I want to speak out for my beliefs, but I am not hateful, nor promote violence against those who oppose me. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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