2015. március 28., szombat

Anyone who previously identified as a gay male and enjoyed the sex/sexual role, and went onto transition? [nsfw]

I've identified as a gay male for a long time. And it wasn't until the last three-ish years that I started questioning my gender. At first, I thought I must be a trans woman. But that didn't feel right for me either. And so I did more research and I learned that there are many non-binary trans people that exist, and that fits me perfectly (and even my entire life, I never really felt like a man, but I never felt like a woman either, I just felt so out of place with each). So the last year or so I've identified as just that: non-binary with queer sexuality. I wear bras, skirts, very casual makeup, paint my nails, etc. Even on my more "masculine" days, I will always wear a bra/sports bra under my t-shirt. However, I continue to only desire relations with gay men and I exclusively watch gay porn, because its the only porn I can enjoy. Women don't enter the sexual equation for me in any way.

So now that I've been becoming more and more sure about starting HRT, I'm nervous about the sexual aspect of life after HRT starts. Because, when it comes to sex, I like gay sex and and in some way I like being thought of as a gay man by other men? Which doesn't make sense, because feel dysphoric with he/him pronouns, prefer they/them, and extremely uncomfortable being gendered as male. I feel like if I took HRT and started looking more feminine, then I wouldn't be able to pursue gay men because they wouldn't be attracted to someone who dresses mostly like a woman. And I don't even know how straight men's sexuality works when it comes to trans-feminine people?

And while my therapist has told me that a) I shouldn't focus so much on the sexuality of it and b) that in her decade of experience she's never had one person /regret/ hormones; that's literally the only thing holding me back from HRT is the sexual aspect of it all. Because the prospect of taking hormones and everything that comes with it makes me so excited and happy! And I'm so confident and love identifying as a non-binary queer person! That's who I am. But sex and people's sexual attraction to me after HRT? idk.

I think I'm over-thinking this a very lot... The idea of finally taking hormones makes me feel so excited. So I should just take it one step at a time after that?

What are y'alls experiences with 'gay male' and gay sex before taking HRT, and what is your sex and dating life like after and how you feel about it?

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