2015. március 28., szombat

A poll about nonbinaries and sexual labels.

So, I came across this post yesterday: http://ift.tt/1G3wkr3

I know it's an account aimed at mocking tumblr, I know people in the replies are assholes. I think the context of the original post was something about Steven Universe.

But I have to wonder: why would it be a bad thing to consider yourself a nonbinary lesbian, as everyone in the replies is implying? I don't see the issue. By saying you can't be both, that puts people in a very weird box. Are non-binaries just not allowed to label our sexuality? What about someone who was a AMAB nonbinary who identified as gay? What are we supposed to call ourselves then?

I consider myself to have both worlds. I am nonbinary (AFAB, dysphoric but not transitioning) and exclusively attracted to women. So why can't I use both labels? I don't want to use something vague like "lady lover" or whathaveyou every time someone asks. I understand when people get annoyed at "FTM lesbians" but... I'm not an FTM. There's not exactly another word for me in this situation, which is what this post boils down to.

I just literally don't know what I'm supposed to call myself then. I like to lay everything out on the table at once, so people saying I can't identify as both is a little odd. Thoughts?

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