I've never ever had issues making female friends, in fact, most of my friends are girls. But I've always struggled getting girls as more. Here's a few of my pictures with slightly different "styles".
This is right after I got my new hair cut in December.
This is when I went bak and got the hair trimmed up.
This is the two together along with being dressed up for clubbing.
this was just for the hell of it with the curled mustache. I don't think I could actually pull it off. And the beard was a bit long.
this is with the beard cut down on a #4 clip.
And here is beardless. I think I look like a rat beardless yet a lot of people say I look better.
So do yall see anything wrong? Also, which pictures do you think suit my face best? A little more info, I do have a few pounds to lose. I used to be at a 37 BMI and now I'm down to 25. I still have a few more to kick, I know weight can be a big factor in attraction.
And just a side note, a LOT of people think I'm gay on first impression. And some people, even after knowing me for over a year, still think I am. I have nothing wrong with homosexuality, but I'm not gay, and never have been. So it bothers me that so many people think I am.
Feed back is greatly appreciated yall!
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