2018. május 5., szombat

The loneliest life

Ever since I came out and I have no friends my life is totally boring and uneventful. I see people upload photos from going to some places with friend, parties, going somewhere in the wild like exploring nature, waterfalls and so on and I am just going from home to the University and then back home and ocassionally to the shop. I spend the weekends home too, or go out for a walk or something but that's still boring when you do it alone. I have lost live human contact so much that I have started talking to myself sometimes without even realising it. I am like standing doing something and describing to myself what I am doing it's crazy. I miss going out with my friends, I miss talking to them, I miss talking to my brother, I miss going to parties with my friends or hiking or whatever. I have never felt so isolated in my life. I think I am going to lose my mind.

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