2018. május 5., szombat

Not sure what to do.

Hi. My name is Anon and I am a 13 year old kid. All my life I've loved girls, no doubt about it. I even had a few girlfriends, but girlfriends in elementary school don't mean a thing. Around fifth grade I started staying home more and more, until I got to the point where I just stayed home. It went on like this until the end of 6th grade. Because of that I got depressed and I have social anxiety and am currently taking anti-depressents. I didn't really think about love or anything of the sort. Most of the time I didn't even really think. I would just drown my thoughts in Netflix or YouTube or playing something on Steam. It got to a point where one night I woke up and rushed for the TV. My dad woke up and asked what am I doing and I said "I don't want to think."At first the pills I took were Prizma. They worked well, but all my dreams were so vivid to the point I didn't know if I was dreaming or not. Second was Zipralax. Made me very sleepy. Third was and still is Lustral. Works great.They caused me to feel better and I started to think again. In October I realized I'm gay. I didn't believe it. I hoped it's not true. I kept looking at lesbian porn trying my hardest to be aroused. Eventually I came to peace with it. I told my family and they're completely cool. When I came out they just said "Ok cool." So I got that out of the way. My family. There's still one huge problem.I live in Israel. The entire country is built around Jewism. Most people are homophobic. If two guys walk together holding hands down Tel Aviv or Jerusalem they get cussed. "Death to gays! You're beasts" Every Pride Parade there's a group of extremists with donkeys on a truck with the sign "Beast Parade". There were even a few stabbings.In seventh grade I went to a new school. I am extremely happy there and I made two girlfriends. Not romantic obviously. I told them everything. How have a crush on my best friend, my struggles with depression, everything.One day I got into a fight with one of them. She started yelling "Why don't you come out? you think you're better than us?" I wasn't that annoyed. Everybody thinks I'm gay anyway, colored hair... I didn't think she actually said anything to anyone. Until her friend says "Aren't you like in love with your best friend (name)?"I went and I hit a tree until I bled. I got home, took my dogs for a walk, tucked in my birds, and tried to slit my wrists.I went to a 3 day field trip.My one remaining friend, while we were in our tent, around 12 am told me she's gay and has a girlfriend in our class. I was extremely happy and felt like I finally have someone to talk to.It got me thinking. What should I do? Come out? Everyone think I'm gay anyways. But if I come out, will guys won't hang out with me? Will the word go out to my old school? My town?I have no idea what to do. Even my aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins don't know.What should I do?

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