2018. május 19., szombat

Long distance/time frame

I met a person on tinder that is super sweet, flirty and seems to be an overall nice person; and seems from our texts that he meshes really well with me. Anyway, we live a couple hours from each other and are planning a date at our halfway point. I think it will go really well, as we have been talking a lot the past couple days, very open for our enthusiasm in each other.What I’m scared of is it will go very well, (I mean if not, I’ll have to deal with that too) and we will have this 2 hour gap between us, as well as the fact that I graduate a year before him. We have discussed how this could possibly work, and how we are both open to working with it the distance and coming up with solutions. We both seem to express our future thoughts, and ideas of a relationship if it were to become a thing. This seems so sweet to me, but also possibly dangerous and a mistake? Or I’m just paranoid, but just a lot of things feel right from our conversations; just hope the date reflects that as well.But what’s you experience or thoughts on distance, some of the stuff I mentioned, and the other obstacle of the graduation delay.

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