2018. május 6., vasárnap

Guys give me advice please x

So basically I really like this guy I honestly thought he was gay as he was checking out our business MALE teacher in college and I asked him out so this is the message. We’re both 16 by the way.“Hi. I just wanted to say something so basically I like you, it’s weird as I have NEVER liked anyone like this before lol. I know we don’t know each other well but what I do know about you I really like. I just wanted to say IF you were bi/gay (not saying you are) I would 100% keep it a secret and IF you liked me back I would also keep us a secret. I wanted to tell you for a long time. If I creeped you out then I’m so sorry. Also sorry for being kinda shy when walking past you around college. So yeah like I said I would keep everything a secret x”He replied“I have a girlfriend” when he doesn’t.What do I do? Forget about him and move on? And also why did he put that when he doesn’t have a girlfriend?

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