2018. május 6., vasárnap

Advice/Guidance Welcomed On “Relationship” NSFW

Ok so I guess I should start with I am a little lost. I bounce back and forth between what to do in my head, but never act on it. So I am putting myself out there to see what advice if any is out here.So I met my “friend” on Grindr 6 years ago. Initially it was a hookup that became a regular then a FWB and finally something else. Over the last six years, both of our sexual orientations have evolved quite a bit. For myself I went from bisexual to very homoflexible, and my friend went from straight to “I don’t like labels.” We joke that we are “travel buddies” and we eat together often so it appears like we are in a relationship. Early on in our friendship, I was still using Grindr, and my friend nearly cut me off completely. So I assumed this meant we are in a relationship or at least exclusive.However, this is where the request for advice comes in. Over the last six years we have had sex 3-4 times, with the rest of the time it being me performing oral sex. Now I am not complaining, but it definitely leaves something to be desired. Especially since after he finishes, there is very little time to just enjoy each other or cuddle or anything, and there is no mentioning what just happened without a “Gross” from him. Even rarer than having sex is for him to say the word “love” towards me. His excuse is since I know he loves me, he does not have to say it. Yet we only share kisses on the cheek (when we visit and leave each other) and and have never kissed on the mouth except one “accident.”Sorry for the long story, but I wanted to make sure the whole picture is there. So my questions are:1) Has anyone else experienced the lack of having “love” vocalized?2) How would you approach the situation? Now it is important to note that I fear confronting him will lead to him freaking out and that being the end.3) Am I just being too wrapped up in my mind and should just enjoy it? I am not unhappy, it is just seeing couples holding hands or sharing kisses makes me so envious that I feel ashamed.Thank you in advance.

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