2018. május 19., szombat

First Foray into Gay Hook Ups

TL;DR: I'm mid-40s newly out to myself, hooked up with hot guy in late-20s and felt happier about it than ever before.Long version: I've struggled for several years to finally be honest with myself enough to come out. Thanks, in part, to a lot of the brave people on this sub and others like it I finally started moving on with my life to be who I really am.I moved into my own place in January and started glancing at some of the online hook up apps, Grindr, Scruff, etc. Then a couple weeks ago a younger man messaged me on Grindr and we spent the rest of the week chatting. We met for coffee on a Thursday and on Saturday he came over to my place to cuddle and watch a movie. He ended up spending the night and from my POV it was awesome.Granted, I'm in my mid-40s, he's in his late-20s and he's only the second man with whom I've ever had a sexual encounter, so I'm pretty sure I got far more out of this than he did, but we will see.If I had any doubt before about my orientation, Saturday night cleared that right up. I finally felt so free and so right with what I was doing. Sorry if this is the wrong sub or if I am rambling. It has been a long road to finally get here and not feel like I was doing something wrong or had to feel ultimate shame in some way.I'm not completely out of the closet yet. My ex-wife and my kids know, my two best friends know, and my gentleman caller definitely knows. I'm still thinking about making my "outness" FB official with a post or something during PrideFest this year, I dunno. Maybe it's not that big of a deal that anyone else know. Maybe I just live my life as me. I don't remember ever having to come out as straight or announce my pretended sexuality when I was in the closet. But I do think I owe it to my extended family to let them know rather than have them find out online third handed.Ultimately, doesn't matter, had cuddles (and more) with a hot younger guy and we're seeing each other again this weekend (he asked to see me again) so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

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