2018. május 23., szerda

Dealing with strong fetish

Hello guys. The topic I want to start is my serious issue that I don't really want to talk with anybody in real life, it just feels too confusing.I have really strong fetish and I'm really ashamed of it (even though it's so common). It's feet fetish. When I was a little boy, maybe 7 or 8, looking at other boys' soles just gave me this weird feeling, but I couldn't describe it as anything sexual, it was just this weird urge to touch them or stare at them for hours. In time I have realised what does it mean, but it was growing stronger and stronger. At this point I am aware that this fetish became strong addiction. It's impossible for me to skip opportunity to stare, touch if possible or take a photo of somebody's feet. Sometimes I just look at a man, find him not attractive at all, but seeing his feet makes me want to f*ck him anyways. It's really getting more and more annoying and I can feel it's influence on my daily life. Even playing video games like Assassin's Creed Origins is pretty impossible as main character is barefoot and I cannot focus on the game - just on his soles.This isn't really something that I am proud of or sth. I just feel like I have to fight it every single day, but it's deep in my instinct or who the hell knows what.I'm 21yo and have a boyfriend for almost 2 years now. We're pretty happy and well-matched, I think we won't break up anytime soon. Our sexual life is quite good, exept for the fact that he finds my fetish disgusting. I mean feet at all. He knows about it, but it's completely not his cup of tea. So basically, I want to respect this and not insist on doing things that he finds weird. But man, I'm really thirsty. Of course we could do something like a compromise and involve my desires into sex, but whenever I imagine licking his feet while he stares at me with disgust, there's no way I am doing it. There's no plesure in it and a lot of embarassment and disgrace.Also, I don't want to cheat on him. Finding a sex buddy with common needs may be a solution, but I am not that kind of guy as loyalty is prime value.If you have any similar experience or possible solutions, or ways to kill the fetish - I'll be sooo grateful. I'd really like to hear about people who struggle with their fetishes too. And please, don't tell me to visit a psychologist/sexologist, it's too embarassing, really.

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