2018. május 15., kedd

Aww, man Grindr RULES

Not in the conventional "I found my one true love" kind of rules, but the "I just had the best time arguing with some rando" kind.So im 21(M) and this super cute 35 yo hit me up and one of the first questions he asked me was "do you have a car?" I immediately went on the defense because ive had some bad exoeriences with bfs i met on Grindr using me for a ride. I pointed out that sent some red flags up for me. Of course he got offended and said that he has a vehicle and just doesnt wanna drive out to where im at (fair enough.)Then he asked what I was looking for, I told him sex is cool but a date would be nice (ive only ever been on one date, and it was with my gf in HS. Im barely attracted to women.) So when he said that sounds cool, I was in complete shock. Nobody ever hits me up without trying to get some R&R. Then when we started actually talking about one another's interests and hobbies, he mentioned he was raised christian and all I could think was, "augh...... oh no."This where things kind of made a downward spiral, as you can imagine.I brought up EDM, he told me he already told me the music he liked (oh, so EDM is the devil's music, cool.) I brought ul how much fun festivals are, and I included the drug LSD. Now, this dude smokes weed daily, and said he couldnt handle being around that. Still being on the defensive, I went on to say that maybe we arent compatible and that he was being judgey (i had not realized that I was already doing that. Its Grindr for goodness sake.)He told me I had already judged him twice and when I decided to explain why (I brought ul him being religious, not the best move on my part) he was done. So when we keot talking, I proceeded to continue fucking with him, being passive aggressive and just an overall douchebag. Until he blocked me.Cant say the conversation wasnt interesing, at least. Is it wierd to be surprised when someone who isnt looking for JUST sex to show up on what is widely known as "the gay hookup app?"Also, i cant help but feel that, being a hermit and really only meeting friends of friends and talking to coworkers being the only social interaction I have, my social skills were not the greatest in this scenario.

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