2018. január 22., hétfő

Would anyone be interested in a Disco photography book - based in the 70s and 80s during the NYC Disco scene?

Hey guys!Taking a shot in the dark here. I currently work with a photographer who was huge during the 70s and 80s shooting an incredible range of famous people and got heavily involved in the disco scene.We are in the process of publishing a huge, high quality photography, hardcover coffee table book featuring some of the best photos he shot from this era.The book would cover many sections highlighting the most important parts of the Disco era including fashion, DJ's, famous disco artists, dancers, clubs, an "erotic/loving" section, and just regular club attendees that we like to call "watchers."Some of the hottest clubs of this era featured in this book are Studio 54, Xenon, New York New York, and Le Jardin.Some famous people: Donna Summer, Loleatta Holloway, The Village People, Bee Gees, Barry White/Love Unlimited, Gloria Gaynor, and so on.This photography book truly captures the 70s and early 80s disco and dance era.The reason why I am reaching out on here - the NYC disco scene became one of the first times the gay community was given a chance to shine. From fashion to dancing to music, the disco era saw people from all backgrounds and sexual orientations as equal. It created a happy and safe space for people to form a sense of identity and individuality and simply feel free.If this project sparks anyone's interest, I can share some photo samples as well as our cover art. The book is well into the works and we plan to launch a Kickstarter within the next few months to crowdfund and mass publish our book.Thank you for taking the time to read this post everyone!

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