2018. január 18., csütörtök

Relationship advice for someone who’s had none

I’m a 21 year old bi/gay guy with a problem I doubt anyone could help me with but I thought I’d try anyways. I’ve thought of myself as gay since around 13-14, but never really been “out”. my parents may know, maybe a friend or so, I just mostly never made the effort to actually “come out” at any point. At this point I should bring in the main difficulty I have: I’m on the autism spectrum and have for my entire life has difficulty talking with others, talking about emotions in general, total inability to make and keep friends, natural screw up who always struggles with knowing what’s going on or “how should I react here”.Because of the fact that my parents never officially had me diagnosed with autism (this was in the 90s when scientists were only just learning about higher functioning autism) I never got any help, any support from anyone, school, parents, doctors. On paper it appeared I was fine because I still passed most of my classes but outside of school I was a total wreck. After about elementary school I went through a good 5-8 years of having little to no friends, barely any communication, outside of teachers, family, video games, and maybe one or two aquantances I struggled to talk to during lunch. Needless to say I never dated during highschool (I did have one relationship with my only friend when I was 16-17, but it was solely physical, he was straight, and it didn’t start or end pleasantly) and am still a 21 year old who hasn’t only not dated, but hasn’t even had sex since that relationship in high school I mentioned.I need help. I don’t know how to change this. I have struggles to talk with people in person. I feel like I’m slightly more successful in talking to people online like on tinder, since it’s less stress and I can take longer to think about what to say, yet after 1.5 years on tinder I have matched with less than 8 people, and of all the matches I’ve messaged only two responded back, each of them eventually stopping. One of the most recent was this boy I matched with a week or two ago. We talk briefly about video games, I feel like we have s lot in common (his fav game was world of Warcraft, I spent 8 years playing it. His main picture was a meme from rick and morty. He was 100% my type.), I even flirted with him after a lil while and even talked about playing video games together or “video game and chill” which he said sounded good and that he’d see when he had some free time in his work schedule. That was the last time he responded and was about 4-5 days ago. I’ve mesaged him two times but he never replied back. He’s still matched with me on tinder but just hasn’t messaged me. Is there anything I’m doing wrong? Am I just unable to attract people? Even my friends now, that I’ve managed to make over the last 1.5 years, say that they don’t think of me as being”sexual”. One of my closest friends even said he doesn’t like talking to me about sex and stuff because it’s “weird with me”.As you can see I have pretty bad self confidence and feel like I’ll never go ona date without paying someone too. It just feels worse every day when all my friends have been dating since highschool and my best friend asks “you have been on a date before? Right?” An all I can do is just ignore the question.

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