2018. január 16., kedd

I'm confused about my sexuality

(15M) First time posting and I apologize if it ends up as a mess because I really just want to get a lot off my chest. So, I always assumed that I was straight, but very recently I have begun to realize that I might not be, and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that. I am turned on by both guys and girls, but more often by guys. I think that I am bisexual but I might be gay or straight. I don't want to come out yet/tell anyone even though I live in a very liberal and excepting area because I am worried that I will get older and realize that (not to be offensive) this was just a faze and I am just figuring out my sexuality. I also don't feel at all gay in the stereotypical sense, and I've even been told that I seem very straight by my friend. Does/has anyone felt similar to me? Thanks!

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