2018. január 1., hétfő

I'm Bicurious and need help figuring out if my sexy friend is into me? Help me please I'm but a young padiwan who doesn't know how to properly use light sabers(Euphemism for penis) and need advice from the seasoned gay Jedi masters

So this is going to be a long post because I want to get as good can answer as possible but I also included short bullet points at the end for people who are too lazy to read the whole thing. So basically I'm a college student who's only been with girls before but lately I've been curious about what it's like to be with another dude. There is a guy I am interested in is a total ladies man and gets it in all the time. This person is so sexy he looks like a cross between Ryan gosling and Jake gylenhaal, and has the sexiest deep voice I have ever heard. He always has the best hair that sticks up perfectly no matter how windy it is, and his eyes are icy blue and I get lost in them all the time. His body is also beautiful with his well developed chest covered with a nice thin layer of hair and his sexy happy trail that goes all the way up his stomach😛. I will call this person "Matt". So basically I met Matt about a year ago in college because he is a part of my friend's fraternity. When we first met we had a lot in common and a similar sense of humor so we became friends right away. Over time I really started to realize how beautiful of a person he is physically and emotionally and started to develop feelings for him. I started flirting with him by calling him names likes "baby" and complementing him on his looks and the way he dresses. Soon after he started calling me baby too and also complementing me. Ive noticed that I am the only guy that he refers to as baby. When we talk to each we always stare deeply into each other's eyes and smile. Recently matt spent the night at my house. When we were watching tv I asked if I could rest my head on his shoulder cuz I thought it would feel nice. Matt then said "Do whatever makes you comfortable baby" and then looked me in the eyes and smiled. After we finished watching tv and it was time to sleep matt said "should I go sleep on the couch in the corner of the room?" I told him to come sleep with me in my bed and cuddle so we would be nice and cozy. Matt said that sounded nice and I let him get under the covers with me and I started spooning him. While I was spooning him I started to get super horny cuz I was really drunk and I stuck my hands up his shirt and started massaging his nipples and stomach area. I kinda feel bad about doing this because I'm not sure if he was cool with it, but I know for a fact he was awake and he didn't tell me to stop or anything. I fell asleep soon after and the next morning when we both woke up I told him that I feel a lot closer to him now and slept great. Matt then replied that he also slept great and it was a good bonding experience, he even joked that we can tell other people we slept together now. After that I told him that I really love him and that he is important to me. Matt replied "Baby I love you too and you mean a lot to me too". We then stared into each other's eyes for like a full 10 seconds and just smiled at each other. He had to go home soon after that and we parted ways after a nice long hug. So I hope I gave enough information for you to decide whether my friend is into me or not. I value his friendship way more than hooking up so I would only make a move on him if I was 99% certain he's into me too. Thanks for reading this far and I'm eager to hear your responses:)Short summary of why I think he may be bicurious: -He uses nicknames like baby and beautiful to me but not other guys -We always stare into each other's eyes for long periods of time and just smile at each other -Every time I tell him I love him or that he means a lot to me he makes sure to say it back 100% of the time -When we cuddled at my house and I felt him up underneath his shirt he didn't flinch or try to stop me -The morning after cuddling he said that he slept amazingly and joked that we can tell people that we slept together now

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