2018. január 19., péntek

How do you lets your feelings disappear?

So my bf of 8 years bought a house and moved in August. With the stress of moving he wanted to take a break but things didn’t change much while we were on that break. At the end of September we met a guy and he happen to be going through a similar situation with his bf. The 3 of us hung out a lot and got very comfortable with each other. We messed around together and separate. We have gone on trips together and he come over almost daily. Feelings have bloomed and made things interesting. I have strong feelings for the new guy and would have been happy attempting a poly relationship. New guy has strong feelings for my bf and not me so much but me and him have a real good friendship we have built. Fast forward to a week or so ago when my bf tells me he doesn’t want to be with me and wants to see how things go with the new guy. So what do i do? How do I minimize the hurt?TL:DR bf of 8 years broke up with me to date new friend. I want the new friend too. We live together. How do I not hurt when I’ll see them every day?

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