2018. január 19., péntek

Douching Advice (19)

Okay, I never use reddit anymore but I don't know what else to do, I'm not much of a bottom but this guy and I have been fucking for a whole and now I want to trade places and he's down for it too. Anyway, I've tried douching before with an Adam and Eve bulb enema (don't really recommend, nozzle is fucking huge) and every time it's been a complete disaster. Now this time I'm experiencing the same issues, I'm a vegetarian and eat mainly whole foods so it's not a diet thing. Literally every time I think the water is gonna run clear the next floor of hell is unleashed, this can literally go on for an hour before I give up. I need advice, and none of that "be patient and take your time" stuff because that's not just working.(Also apologies for any errors, I'm flustered)

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