2018. január 26., péntek

Being Gay in Highschool

Sometimes it feels like nobody actually wants you to be there. The system, the expectations, even the architecture at times feels like it wasn’t designed for you to belong, or at least that’s how it is for me.Maybe I’m seeing it the wrong way but being gay in high school is as alienating as going to a barbecue when you’re a vegetarian (or worse a vegan).I mean sure if you were really desperate you could get all the sexual favors you could ever want but what about people who aren’t exactly looking for that? People always talk about high school romance in all its cringy glory but it’s hard to find a story where a gay couple goes through relatively the same things a straight couple ignoring the closet and painful stereotypes.I think it’s the blatant heteronormativity that’s an issue for me personally, it just makes me feel like I’m not meant to be there. And it’s really only when I am flamboyant in a joking way I get laughs while being able to express myself, it kinda hurts. And I think at the same time that personality kinda makes it so I’m expected to be celibate, unromantic and content with the state I’m in.Maybe I’m wrong, if I am please someone tell me. I don’t really know.

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