2016. március 15., kedd

When I really like a guy!

Hey guys. So I'm 26 and have been out for 6 of those years. I date some what frequently and usually it's not hard for me. I say all the right things, am chill and confident, make them laugh... but that only works if I'm not super into the person. When I really like the guy I'm a fucking shit show on staying relaxed and being myself!! I say all the wrong things, get super introverted, not funny, and turn into an awkward robot. It's horrible! Whyy?!?! So this Saturday I'm going out with a guy that I met at a concert last week and I am sooo into him. Like more then I've been into anybody else. He writes for our local paper, is very intelligent, and after doing a quick fb stalk I can tell I just really don't wanna fuck this up! Not this time!! I just wouldn't show up if I wasn't so determined to be happy in this world, because I know I'm gonna end up saying all the wrong things.Any tips for a young dude with social anxiety problems for people he really likes?? I'm so scarred. Thanks.

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