2016. március 17., csütörtök

First time gay experience on Monday need advice

Well im going to start off by saying that I dont think im gay. I dont like men i am just very very fond of cocks. I love them. I have been wanting to suck one for a long time now, so i decided to go on random act of blowjob to set it up. I found someone who fit my criteria and we have set it up for monday. I am so nervous right now. I cant wait to have his cock in my mouth but at the same time im scared incase i am not good enough to make him cum, or that i just flat out suck(pun intended). Any advice or tips for a first timer about the situation in general or on how to give him the pleasure he deserves? I have been watching many blowjob tip videos lol. He has been really nice throughout our messages. He keeps reassuring me that he is patient and will help me through the whole thing but i still want to be able to make him feel as good as possible.

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