2016. március 11., péntek

Do you think a name change is a stupid idea?

I feel like I have a past that seems impossible to escape. Though I am going to a top tier college, and have a really good mother and brother relationships, I have a sometimes tenuous relationship with my father and a school enviornment that has made me depressed for years. I would eat lunch in the bathroom and I had next to no friends, and got frequently really depressed. I really did not like the way that I looked, and also wanted to completely change my personality and interests. I feel like I feign interests that I am not actually interested in. Moreover, being gay has given me a sense of isolation during this time period that feels like could not be taken away. I personally think a name change is a stupid idea, but a possible one maybe in my future. I spoke to my mom about it and she said she would feel violated and like I had given up on our family and like it would be a slam to her. I am taking this into account and not doing it any time soon, but do you think name changes could help to eleviate pass trauma?

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