2016. március 5., szombat

Anyone have a partner who has devoted their life to serve god?

Hey there I am asking this question seriously and I ask because I myself am dating someone who did go in into the priesthood two years ago, just told me a couple of days before leaving and basically left me to move 5 hours away and start their new life. That was two years ago, and have been together including the last two where he has been in school staying in their and all, you didn't have a change against the one up there who gave him his calling in the first place and ripped him away because of rules? I, as you can tell, have lost my faith in the man upstairs, and I am at the end of my defeated battle to keep the man I love and I have lost because I am here waiting for someone who I know with all my heart loves me and wants to be with me, but is being torn apart by having to give me up or give his dream up.Please if you know anyone or are in the same situation, please send them my way for some extremely needed guidance or hope because I have no fight left in me but I don't want to lose something that's makes my life the best, but can it really work, him and I as a couple and him be able to still do that. or is the feeling of loneliness and feel like I meant nothing when he left, should have thought about that as well

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