2016. március 20., vasárnap

[16/m] I feel like one of my male friends gives hints of being gay

Hello, I'm 16 years old, I'm a guy and I live in France. I am gay however I'm not out yet, simply because there's no reason for me to say it so I've been denying it when people asked me whether I was gay or not. I have very little to no experience with girls in the past and none with guys. When people asked me about relationships, I've always thought that how I was right now was fine, that I prefered having fun with my friends and I was not interested in it.But lately, I had to review this thinking. I have one male friend (in the same class) and I'm not really close to him or anything, I talk to him sometimes but we're just classmates, we rarely hang out together. At first, I just thought he was really cute but that's it.After a few months in the same class, I had a few talks with him (still school-related) but I still think we're just classmates, not friends. Recently, I heard him talk in the lockers about how a guy was checking his ass out in the public showers (he's in a sport club) but I don't think he said he was disgusted or anything, he just casually said that while laughing about it. After that, here comes the ambiguous part, he asked me and also one of his friends if we wanted to suck his dick as a joke. I laughed it off and said no while trying to act natural. (Yes that's all lol maybe he's just a bit childish ?) Plus, I don't think he dated many girls before (or so I heard) and he is single right now. On one hand, I want to think of it as hints that indicate he's gay but on the other hand, I feel like I'm just fantasizing it and those "hints" were nothing more than jokes, casual talk.Also, there's a possibility he's just messing with me because sometimes his friend would say things about how I'm a bit girly (I do agree I'm a bit feminine but at a limited extent) and all. So maybe he's just playing around, and that possibility is quite strong.Yet, I do not want to think that is the case, that'd be pretty pathetic of me otherwise hahaha. The whole thing "I'm not even out but I want to know if someone else is gay" is quite ridiculous. Anyway, I wanted to share this thing with you guys and ask you what would you do if you were in this situation. If you have any advices or stories to share with me, please don't hesitate! :)Have a nice day.

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