I posted the second version of my guidelines in the hopes I would get feedback to further refine, instead I kept receiving the same concerns, rather than any suggestion on what needed to be changed.
1.- We don't want to be told what to do
Then in that case you agree with me, because I want the state to stop telling you don't have the freedom of practice, without any reason for it, but in any case the guidelines keep the practices of responsible zoophiles as they are, the only things that they change, address the concerns of non-zoo's, should they be ignored?
2.- It is ridiculous to believe you would think of regulating love
Then I guess laws requiring a minimum age are unfounded, I guess if I really love someone then I don't have to care if there was consent, or if it was dangerous.
Reasonable laws regulating sexual practices, are common already, we don't special legislation for gay sex, because it is practically identical to straight sex, but the animals we deal here are not legal persons, and therefore we require to acknowledge that, so that we don't end up with absurds trying to make the current legislation fit zoophilia.
3.- The current laws already cover it
No they don't, not a single law mentions sex with animals without banning it, in the best case scenario, we got a free for all due to an existing legal limbo, is that desirable? don't you want cases of abuse persecuted?
Even if they were examples of laws permitting and regulating practice, they wouldn't cross over their own borders, in any case we just create a zoophilia haven, where you actually have to travel in order to comply with law, the guidelines are supposed to get a consensus on what zoophiles want, if they were to get regulated, so that there is a backbone to defend and build upon, for anyone wanting new legislation.
4.- We already are self determined.
Are you? You hide your activities from law enforcement, you cannot go public about it, and there is an stigma that only grows stronger with you living in the shadows, and affects many people to the point of suicide, murder and incarceration.
You are as self determined as the Tibet.
5.- The zeta principles are enough
Then why no one is pushing them to make them actual laws? Could it be because they are poorly written? They use ambiguous concepts, they are redundant and they are oddly specific.
If your law is ambiguous then you create loopholes, loopholes to make abuse easier on a court of law.
6.- Forcing a present third party to be present, violates privacy
You all were pretty much unilateral on your misinterpreting of this point, that was my fault, so I had to edit it to make it clearer:
5c. - From 2f, it is preferable that a third rational party would act as an observer, in order to assist in case of emergency during the act (assist withdrawal).
5c1. - Situations with many unknowns, would require such assistance, in order to comply with sections 4 and 5.
Dog sex is immune to 5c1, since it isn't something many people haven't done already and measured the risks, this only is mandatory for something only very few have tried before, like fisting an elephant.
So it is only recommended for the rest of situations.
7.- The opposition won't change
Is that enough reason to stop trying? Is the opposition immortal? Are there no neutral or ignorant people? Aren't there reasonable people around willing to have their believes reversed? It is merely a non-sequitor.
8.- You are suggesting there are abusers among us
Why? Is banning murder in China, suggesting that chinese are natural murderers? If you agree that animal rape is not okay, then why oppose a legislation that says exactly that?
Not only that, no one of us knows enough about each other, to know if someone is an abuser in secret, it is an scary thought, but it isn't different in any other social context. Sometimes the one who we trust more, the ones who we think we know really well, are the ones that come out committing terrible acts.
9.- I only intent to produce my partner happiness, that should be enough
Good for you, that still doesn't change the fact that we can't tell if you are lying, or that your good intentions were misguided, since we don't even know your definition of happiness, then it is merely an appeal to emotion, acts of inhumanity happen all the time with good intentions.
The law is mostly independent of intentions, when it comes to sexual crimes, it shouldn't be any different.
10.- You are not a zoophile
So...? Isn't that a good thing? I'm willing to go public and push legislation that I consulted with you, shouldn't that be the only important parts? If anything that makes even better publicity of you.
11.- We already know how to take care of ourselves
Then why is it that zoophiles are still being incarcerated? Even if you are very careful all of your life, all it takes is a single mistake for law enforcement to catch you, or worst, a zoophobe. Is that a life worth living? being vigilant about your expressions of love or who is truly your friend.
By creating a system to stay out of the radar of law enforcement, then you open the door for criminals to use the same channels you use.
This basically argues: "Breaking the law is okay as long as you don't get caught."
If zoophilia has nothing immoral about it, then it should not stay in the shadows, we certainly won't get it by tomorrow, but we will certainly never get it if we keep our inactions.
12.- You suggested we should remove the dog's knot
Since then I have learned more about the dog's anatomy and now I understand that there is no reason why we should pursue easy withdrawal over the anatomy. I know fully well, how a removal is inhumane and against what I was proposing.
So sex with a knot should be allowed, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't search for humane alternatives for easy withdrawal.
13.- You created this without our input
The whole point of posting it here was to get your input, the whole structure of the second versions of the guidelines was inspired thanks to this community
14.- You don't care about us
You are right. I care for every single human independent on their opinions. Even murderers have rights, and yours are being taken away.
15.- You only care about your ego
Then why is it I decided to go here and not to the senate? Why is it that I decided to change several things in the guidelines on your own suggestions?
15.- Just go away
Read the rules and you will see a method to achieve it:
Keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way you do in regards to zoophilia, and that is irrespective of whether they are zoos or not. Please respect others and treat them as you wish to be treated. If you wish to complain about a user or the way the subreddit is run,
If you can demonstrate that your disapproval, is not about mere disagreement or hate, then you can get me banned.
All it takes is for you to list your reasons:
- Reasons why kkllee should leave:
If I cannot find an inconsistency, then I leave on my own regard.