2018. május 14., hétfő

Teacher Always Has A Bulge

So I have this teacher, I’ll call him Coach Thomas to protect the innocent -I think. I go to a private Christian based school in Deep South Alabama. I’m also gay and non religious which does complicate quite a few things. I can’t really make friends because I don’t want them to have the chance to find out so I really just focus all of my effort into studying. At the moment I have a 4.37 gpa and strive to be better. I used to jest with my old coach that I know more then him in psychology, which is the class that he has me in. My psychology class is small so he talks to me quite a lot even though I have constantly joked with him that I don’t like to talk about certain things with him. I’m getting off track. He always wears these dress pants that someone would wear to church and there always - ALWAYS - a massive bulge from his crotch no matter what. He’ll jokingly do “gay chicken” with me because he is on the football and baseball coaching so he acts like he’s talking to boys who are a little down there in education -not saying that you can’t be athletic and smart it’s just the ones at my school. Anyway I’m getting off track again. He winks at me whenever the rest of the small class I’m in isn’t looking and it’s kind of weird to me. He’s bald and buff and slightly shorter than most coaches , he’s still taller than me I’m 6,0 he’s 6,2. He’s just overall physically imposing. What I want to know is does anyone else have a problem like this. I mean it could just be the pants but whenever he talks to his wife and kids it always seems to. . . You know, grow. Same when he’s watching our class do dumb things or staring at me. I mean we are juniors just now turned seniors it’s kinda strange.

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