2018. május 4., péntek

Straight guy worried my boyfriend could be gay

I’m a straight guy, hope you bros don’t mind me asking for advice - long story short I’m starting to worry that my boyfriend may be gay.My name’s Jon. Using my gay friends account to post this. I don’t have anything against gay guys. A lot are really hot. I just identify as straight, so does my boyfriend - who I’ll call Sam. We’re both straight acting ( because we are straight). Also, we’re not gay.I look like a young Bill Clinton and he looks like a young George W. Bush. I don’t know which one of us would run as Vice Prez if we decide to run. We’re not 100% that we’re gonna run anyway.The problem is I’m starting to worry Sam could be gay. Last weekend we were in a coffee shop and something about the way he was drinking his flat white was just really gay. He was looking at a guy’s ass. Then he said ‘that guy’s hot’. And something about the way he said it just seemed really gay to me. I agreed that the guy was hot ( he was) but inside......inside I was worried.I wondered if he could be...but we’ve discussed this. We’re both straight and agreed to have a straight relationship.Another time we were fucking, and when he was on top of me he just seemed really gay for some reason. Don’t get me wrong, it was hot, it was amazing like usual. But then afterwards we were all sweaty and feeling good and he said “that was so good”.The way he used the word ‘so’... that was ‘so good’. Not just ‘good’ but ‘so good’. I thought we were having straight sex. ‘So good’. Do you think he could be gay? He’s always liked action movies and beer and lifting things, which I don’t think gay guys like. I thought I was dating a straight guy, just like me. ( I have nothing against gay or bi guys by the way).But now I’m beginning to feel like our whole relationship is built on a bed of lies. Could it have become gay without me even realising it? Could he have become gay? Why do things have to change? Why did we both find Thor really hot in Avengers 3?Then something happened the other day, we were having coffee. Both in a straight way. It was a beautiful day. Then he turned to me and said, “call me crazy, but are you gay?”

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