2018. május 23., szerda

Last night I broke up with my now ex. It was mutual and friendly, but I'm obviously still sad and hurt. I think I just need a small vent.

We lasted almost 9 months. He had been lacking effort into our relationship, and we had talked about it several times. I made a hell of an effort with his friends and family. Last 3 or so weeks he would be so dry and distant with me, so I knew something was up.I celebrated my birthday last weekend and he was the first person to leave. I was sad, surprised. My friends were too.We broke up last night. It was friendly and mutual, we talked in my car. Decided it wasn't working and agreed to break up. I drove home with him to give him the birthday present I had bought for him and then closed the door.We don't want to be out of each other's lives, but I told him I need space and time to heal. I'm heartbroken, but I'm at ease.I'm gonna go through my post history and delete all posts that mention us. I guess it'll be part of my process.Thanks /r/gay

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