2018. május 7., hétfő

Is this cheating?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 8 months now, and we've been living together for about 6. We are 19 and in college, so when I say live together, I mean I stay at his off-campus place because on-campus sucks.Anyways, a few weeks ago, I came home from work. I was lying on the bed, and his phone was lying right next to me. I'm a naturally curious person, so I decided to open it. Well, I immediately noticed he had Grindr installed because it was the first thing that popped up. I immediately put the phone down and proceeded to have a mild panick attack. I confronted him about it about 30 minutes later, and he told me he only used it to jack off to and he thought that's what everyone did - used Grindr for jacking off when not hooking up. He apologized and we cried together a little, and I told him to not use it anymore. I told him he lost some trust, but I still loved him (apparently he's been doing this for a while).About a week after that, I opened his phone again after coming home from work, and his Tumblr is open this time. Okay, he's using that to jack off now, no big deal. Well, I got nosey. I went into his messages and this is when things get bad. It's not normal for me to go through his messages because I trust him, but after the Grindr ordeal, I don't feel bad. Anyways, apparently he's been practically begging people on Tumblr to "TeamViewer cashrape" him. What the fuck? He's asleep and I start freaking out. I dig a little further and see that some of those messages were from before we were together, but he's been doing it sporadically since we were together. Once in November, some in February, some in March... I see all these messages of him saying "TeamViewer cashrape me please!!", and I fall apart. I drive off to let myself calm down and think, and he eventually comes and find me in the back of my car having a mental breakdown. Long story short, we make up. I lose so much trust in this boy over this, but we make up for the sake of me going back home so I can study for my finals (I needed a clear mind to study).Later that night, we're practicing our nightly ritual of smoking on the porch. I get ballsy when I'm stoned, so I asked him more about the whole ordeal. I ask him if he had ever followed through with it... and he said yes, one time. I fall apart again. I cried the hardest I have ever cried. He starts sobbing, saying "I fucked up." Yes, yes you did. He told me he regretted doing it, so he filed the charge on his credit card as fraud.Next morning, I say fuck it. I go through his phone and log into his credit card app and look at his statements. This motherfucker gave some guy a fucking $50 amazon giftcard. He doesn't have the money for us to go and do shit like go to the movies, but he has the money to pay for someone to help get him off when I'm lying right there in the bed next to him asleep.So, there's a summed up version of the story. I'm sorry it's long, but, it's summer and I'm in the town alone while he's at home. This is all I can think about, so I wanted to reach out to see what others thought of the situation. I love this boy so much. We clicked perfectly, and we talk about getting married and having a house and children. I had never been so happy in my life. But once I saw what he was doing behind my back, all that happiness faded. I felt cheated on. Lied to. I stopped looking at guys when I was with him, and it hurt knowing that he's willing to pay for someone to get him off instead of me (might I also note we hardly have sex, and it drives me insane). I don't want to lose this boy because I love what we have and who he is, but I'll be honest, I feel like I don't love him like I used to. And I don't know if I ever will. We are supposed to be living-living together next semester (2 bedroom apartment), but I'm so afraid things are going to fall apart over the summer. I don't know.

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