2018. május 15., kedd

Is my (24F) boyfriend (23M) gay?

I'm really not homophobic, transphobic or any kind of phobic. I'm a really accepting person I swear!! This is just something that has always been on my mind and I've never felt comfortable asking anybody I know about it because of the affect it could have!To get right to it - My boyfriend has never expressed any kind of attraction for men that I have noticed, except for the occasional acknowledging a guy or celebrity is attractive when we are discussing it, which is totally normal.But he does act what I guess I could call feminine? And does little things that are STEREOTYPICALLY gay (I am not saying all gay people act this way. But when you think of stereotypes you know what I'm trying to say). For example, I've always noticed that his voice inflections are somewhat feminine and he even has a slight lisp. This was extremely apparent to me when we first met (a mutual friend introduced us at a party) and I immediately wondered if he was gay. (Again, I know it's not cool to stereotype people). None of his friends have ever mentioned anything about him being anything other than straight but why would they, right? They're not my close friends they're his but we all get along. He also uses a lot of feminine and excessive hand gestures (think stereotypical). When he is trying to recount what a female said to him he puts on this (what I would call) "gay voice" and I know that he's trying to act like a girl but he's just a little to good at doing that voice? But I should know that a "gay voice" doesn't = a gay dudeNot to mention, almost all of his friends are either gay or girls. He has a few straight guy friends but they're not really close. His best best friends are all gay. All of his girl friends treat him like a gay best friend and tell him all their problems. He seems more like one of the girls. Hes even called me "girl" like he was a girl talking to his bff. Idk. He's never been with any girl before me. When I'm being paranoid I start thinking am I the only girl who is stupid enough to date someone clearly not straight?I really don't know if I'm being harsh or judgmental or what but when I notice these things I can't help but feel weird. How do I work through these feelings? I don't feel like I could ask him because I know it would make him really upset. He gets extremely defensive about almost everything lol. I can't ask my friends because I don't want them to start thinking he's gay if he's not.And maybe he's not gay he's just feminine! But am I in the wrong if it makes me uncomfortable? I love him to death because he's really in tune with his emotions. But there are times when I feel like I really want that manly man and that's not really him at all.Any advice please!!!! And don't bash me for being homophobic because I am not. I'm not sure why I have these feelings and I want to be able to learn from this. Thank you!Edit: posting on diff threads to get more opinions.

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