2018. május 3., csütörtök

I’m nervous (and somewhat heartsick)

So I have a crush on this guy. He doesn’t know about it (yet) but he’s been very understanding and encouraging (this is coming from someone with very few close friends) and he’s kinda cute.But he doesn’t seem to be interested in me. I don’t know whether he’s gay and I’ve accepted that he might not love me, but it still stings somewhat.I’m also getting the feeling that he’s trying to avoid me. We’re in different classes, so every break time I pop over to see him. I’ve essentially become his shadow. I know it’s creepy and probably some form of harassment, but during all those times I go to see him, I don’t usually stay more than 30 seconds before going off to do my own thing. During break time, he’s always with 4-7 of his classmates and I don’t really interact willingly with anyone other than him. I’m also afraid of overstaying my outcast’s welcome.On one hand, I want to keep seeing him and spending time with him. On the other, I know I’m not going about it the right way, but I don’t see any other way to do it. I’m well aware he may not be my boyfriend, but I still want him as a close friend, someone I can hug and tell my feelings to.I’ve also noticed that I’m usually the one initiating our convos. Since exams are over for us, I’d asked if we could arrange a time for the two of us to just be together. Now I’m having second thoughts about whether or not it should happen. I don’t want to end up longing for him more than I already do should it happen.What do I do?

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