2018. május 8., kedd

I need tips on coming out

So I’m bi but I’ve only told one person (a close friend). Anyways, I wanna come out to the rest of my friends and family. But when I put a poll on my Instagram story asking if people were pro or anti LGBT+, some of my other good friends answered anti. It hurts me that these people with good personalities, would have such terrible views. I love them (in a friend way) but I don’t wanna see them leave because of my orientation. Also, my parents are extremely conservative Catholics. They told us that if we ever were LGBT+ that he would, “Kick us out of the house and make us sleep in the RV because I don’t need unholy people in my household.” Which is funny because my dad defied one of the 10 commandments and cheated on my mom. So he isn’t that holy either. But that’s not the point. I’ve already talked to my counselor but they didn’t give me much except “just tell them, and go from there.” Please help me. I don’t wanna stay closeted forever.

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