2018. május 16., szerda

For those who are attracted to men: Would you date a transman?

NOTE: This post is purely made for educational purposes. If you comment, please be respectful and read the post completely first. Don’t comment things you wouldn’t say to someone face to face and if you don’t agree with this post, don’t waste your time on letting us know but use your time for something productive and positive instead because 99% of us won’t care! ; )Now I’ve seen more posts of people asking this question, but I’ve never seen someone break down some of the myths that might be the difference between someone’s “yes or no”. A lot of people actually say no, because there’s a lot of things they’re uneducated about (so I’ve learned over the years). This post is in NO WAY me trying to convince you to date transmen, I’m simply wondering if someone’s answer to the question would change based on receiving some extra knowledge on the subject.The question of this post would be about a transgender man who is on hormones and has at least had top surgery.Sexuality If you’re a woman and you’re attracted to a transgender man you’re not gay and if you’re a gay man who’s attracted to a transgender man you’re just as gay as a gay man dating a cisgender man. Transmen are men. You’ve probably checked out a transgender man at least once in your life without knowing he was trans. In fact, if you were dating a transperson and you’d express you’re doubting your sexuality because you enjoy having sex with them without them having had bottom surgery, you’d really hurt their feelings because you’re implying you’re not seeing them for the gender they really are.The “downstairs”. Now, this is often where the yes or no comes in. Some care, some don’t, but what most people don’t know is that hormone replacement therapy causes quite the changes down there. When a transgender man starts hormones, they basically grow a small penis. This is why people often compare dating a transguy (who has not had phalloplasty aka the construction of a bigger penis) to dating a guy with a small penis. The bits look more “male” than people often think.Of course, there are surgeries, but not everyone chooses to have them whether it’s because of the risks or because they’re simply comfortable with their downstairs as it is.“Female” bodies. “Transmen bodies will still look like feminine.” Well, there will perhaps always be some feminine features when it comes to bone structure, but it’s not always obvious. Besides that, cismen have feminine features too! Here are some shirtless instagram transguys just for you! ; ) https://ift.tt/2ItltN3 https://ift.tt/2IQonhY https://ift.tt/2Ir46fM.. That’s what I thought, you wouldn’t look twice seeing them walk down the street, right?“They are female and will always be female.” Yet you’d say “sir” to the 3 guys who’s Instagram I just posted above if they were to order coffee at the Starbucks that you work at. Would you start saying “she” if you knew they were transgender? You’ll most likely automatically keep saying “he” because a he is what you see. What makes a man and what makes a woman psychically? Most people would say: “A woman has breasts, ovaries, and a vagina.” Would that mean that a woman who had to have her breasts removed due to breast cancer is now less of a woman than a woman with breasts? I’ve never heard anyone say that. And where would a transguy who is on hormones and has had top surgery fall on that scale? Because they certainly don’t have a chest that’s considered female, or a voice.. or a face.. and their downstairs certainly doesn’t look like your typical female downstairs anymore. So in short: Transmen are men.Now there’s plenty of reasons why maybe you don’t want to date a transguy. Maybe you want kids, but then I wonder; would this also mean you wouldn’t date a guy who turns out to be infertile if you happened to be head over heels for him? Would you turn down a guy if he turned out to have a really small penis? Maybe the idea just makes you uncomfortable or maybe you feel like you wouldn’t be able to support your partner in their transition because you simply find it hard to understand.I’m simply trying to figure out to what extent people saying “no” to dating a transguy has actually something to do with them being trans or is it more a matter of “I don’t like red hair, so I’ll most likely not date someone with red hair.” This is because I notice how many of my transgender friends are terrified they’ll end up alone.I’m curious to see if your answer has perhaps changed after reading and if it hasn’t, it’s totally okay! Genital preference is a real thing and it’s totally okay if it’s not your cup of tea! Just because hormones changes someone’s downstairs doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to prefer a cis man’s penis!Please be respectful with your comment! : )

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