2018. május 20., vasárnap

college = going back into the closet? :/

wassup community.so, I've known i was gay for liiiiiike 5 ish years. in high school i was pretty comfortable with it and all of my friends knew. i never really did a huge like announcement or anything but i was open about it and i wouldnt lie about it. i graduated in 2017, and then when i started college, i immediately went back into the closet. it wasn't really intentional... it just kinda happened. i started lying about it if anyone asked. maybe it was easier in high school because i was so familiar with everyone. my graduating class was more or less the same people all the way from elementary school.its kinda funny because i feel like its super common for gay high schoolers to say "well... i'll be fully out and proud and everything once i go to college and move out and live on my own" . kinda like the scene from love simon where they have the dancing scene to Whitney Houston. but the opposite happened to me.has anyone else here gone through this? being out and then for some reason going back into the closet?

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