2018. január 22., hétfő

While in the Friend Zone

So a couple days I was caught in the middle of my brother and his girlfriend’s drama. I somehow became both of their voices because they wouldn’t talk to each other.So I start to get stressed from the situation and text my friend asking him to go and do something to escape from all the drama at home. We ended up seeing the new Jumanji and after headed to McDonalds.While we were there he made a joke that is kinda stuck in my head. Before I go on though I have to add that he can be very weird at times and very hard to read.Anyways when our food came we grabbed our things and sat down at a table and a bit later he had noticed that he left his drink. So he’s all talking about how he had hoped no one put something in his drink. That someone did if he wouldn’t be able to drive us home or if he got to friendly with me.The getting to friendly thing is what I can’t get out of my head. I had came out and even confessed to him that I liked him last year and he put me in the friend zone hard as hell. He says that he is straight but winks at male friends sometimes when joking. That was just one of the weird things about him just to give you guys a taste of the kinda guy I’m dealing with here.I still really really like this guy and can’t help but think he likes me back because of the way he interacts with his male friends. It’s hard to tell. When I confessed my feelings to him, he never told me that he didn’t like me back mostly due to how I told him.His words were “Nah dude, i didn't think anything of it, your my friend bro, im not gonna stop chilling with you cause of that, can't help who we like. (We got past Destiny we’ll work through this)”Other than that we haven’t spoken on the subject. Actually we did but it was basically the same thing.........kinda but just in person.I’m just wondering if there is any hope of me getting out of the friend zone.

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