2018. január 1., hétfő

The curse of being attracted to seemingly straight guys

I don't know why, but I've always been quite attracted to masculinity, and found femininity a bit of a turn off. I have nothing against femininity in guys, it just doesn't turn me on.When I go out, almost every single guy I find attractive will turn out to be straight. It's not that I can't find any gay guys, and it's not even that none of those gay guys like me, because I'm not especially ugly. But I just don't find them attractive. I always end up attracted to the guys whose sexuality I can't guess. I'm sure some of those guys I find attractive are gay or bi, but I can never tell them apart from the straight guys. The only way to know is by either asking them straight up (which just weirds out the straight guys and embarrasses me) or by talking to them and just hoping that they present signs of attraction to me. But it become so tiring. Being gay is already like searching for hay in a needlestack, but when you're searching for pieces of hay which look and act like needles, the game becomes a slog.My friends and I have come to the conclusion that I must be cursed. I was interested if anyone else had this experience, and how they dealt with it.

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