2018. január 20., szombat

Should I do anything?

Quick background. I’m bisexual and I’ve known for a while. For those of you who might not believe in bisexuals I’m not here looking for validation. I’m 17 and none of my friends know, although people at my school used to say I was but those rumors started to subside in the later years of middle school. People probably still wonder if I’m gay but I haven’t heard about it or been asked about it in years. I finally started getting more comfortable with hooking up with girls since it was weird at first because I grew up with a majority of my friends being girls. I’ve been very fortunate in the sense that I’m not scared to come out because my parents sort of know on the down low and have inconspicuously asked me before (although I have denied it). They just let it go and have let me be me and, thank god, be the opposite of helicopter parents. I haven’t come out because I am bisexual and that adds an extra level of complexity to everything. Not many girls want to hook up with the guy who also likes guys and although I tend to lean more towards guys I don’t know if I want to close out that option. However what I’m here to ask about is this guy. This guy in my grade who I’m not super good friends with but we hangout with the same people and see each other at parties all the time and he’s super nice. It might be all in my head but I think he might be bisexual or gay. He’s super popular and girls always tell me stuff like “I would fuck him in a heartbeat.” and say that they’ve made it very clear to him. Yet he never does anything with girls even when they seem to throw themselves at him. I thought maybe he doesn’t do anything for religious reasons but then that doesn’t (1) explain why he doesn’t date and (2) I found out he’s not religious. I’m not gonna go though all the reasons I thought of because there were a lot but mostly they didn’t really make sense. There’s no huge piece of evidence that he’s gay other than he could have any girl he wants but doesn’t pursue any. I keep trying to forget about it but I keep thinking about how cool it would be if he was gay. Maybe I’m just being nosy and it’s none of my business but even if he’s not I still want to know why he never approaches girls. Oh and one thing I left out is he does approach me a lot. Every party or event we’re at he comes up to talk to me but only when I’m alone. I’m so nervous so when I talk to him I feel like it comes out bitchy so maybe I’m putting him off if he does like me. I want to know if he might be gay because if he’s not I can get over him easier and I still think it would be cool to just be friends with him. Let me know what you think.

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