2018. január 18., csütörtök

My probably-never-knowing story

Through Tinder, I dated a guy in June 2017. Before that, we set to meet at the college, but he didn't show up (and I got robbed on my way home). If it was me three years ago, I would've given up, but I didn't. We made a date again at an açaí store. He came and we left to my apartment after that. We kissed a lot and even did BJ. Then we did it again two weeks after that. Suddenly he was gone. Didn't text me back anymore. One day he showed up and said that he was facing a problem and he couldn't stay with me like we wanted to. He didn't tell me what problem it is but I know it is very serious. To put this wall between us, it gotta be really serious. I asked if I could help him some way and he said I couldn't. Then, after some days, we texted and we met again. But it was so fast and so bland. I thought it was weird. The other day, he told me he was sorry and we wouldn't meet anymore. I was calm and I agreed but after the conversation, I deleted almost all of the photos I had of him. Deleted the conversation and moved on. Two months ago I looked for him. He deleted all the social media accounts he had. I think of him sometimes. It was the first good experience I had with a guy (after five bad experiences). The only time I had an orgasm. I don't know what happened to him. That's why I entitled this as probably-never-knowing. Not knowing where he is or what was his problem. I hope he's safe and sound somewhere. I regret so much not having his number... If you read til here, thanks. I needed to speak this out. So my advice is: be sure to have the number of your crush, guys. Damn, Daniel – yeah, that's his name! –, I really hope you're fine... I miss what we had together 😢

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