2018. január 20., szombat

Is there a way to know your sexuality by sure?

So I am 20 years old and really sure I am gay. Not big deal. Knew it since 12 or since I was born. But, as closeted as I am, I want to come out. And I did It. To my family, who do not believe me and ask me, just in case, to not say a thing. Thats been two years ago and I was silent as a rock. Still sure I am gay (never done a thing still and not much of a sexual guy (I mean I don't think all the time about sex. In a way a little naive or asexual even). Whatever, my family Is mostly always right (I said this with the whole truth, they are very smart and open minded and all) and as I never fall for anyone never told a Word. But I got into thinking... Are they right? Or a little right? I thought I could be bisexual after we talk cause I don't dislike women (in my mind at least) bit really don't get atracted sexually. And boys... Not everyone but some times Is like OMG (never ever ever That with a girl although I think Ginders are cute) But never been with a boy (I don't think I wanna hook up, I am the romantic kind of guy, but would not matter to me if That happened naturraly (not apps, I tried but it's not my thing... For now...) So... Thats it As I been writing this I think I am mostly gay (un the sexual asspect of my Life) but always get my mind wired up And I know this Is a stupid question, but do you think there Is a way to be more sure? (Not sex) PS: I think one day, if I have the time and dare myself I Will go to Amerika (a gay bar of the region) 🤘

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