2018. január 20., szombat

I'm 75% sure he's catfishing! (Long post)

Hi all!Forgive me for such a long post, but would really like some opinions on this.Last Tuesday I met a man on a dating app (not Grindr! LOL) and we started chatting. The chat was going really well, and before I realized it I discovered that we had been talking for about 6 hours.We decided to leave the dating app and start chatting on Google hangouts, so we could exchange photos. I have never used hangouts before, so it was a bit of a learning experience, but finally managed to exchange some photos with him.The man is really cute in a dorky sort of way!Move on to yesterday, and I get a notification from the dating app that I have a new message from another person (which turned out to be a woman who hadn't read my profile), so I open it and while I am there I look around at other profiles.I discovered another profile using his photo, with different stats, but similar wording in the description. In the profile I met with he claimed to be 35yo, 6', 190lbs, in Los Angeles. This new profile claimed to be 30yo, 5'-11", 175lbs, in Brooklyn, NY.This got my curiosity going, so I did a reverse image search on the pics he had sent, and found his Instagram page. So I looked through all of his pics, and from what I was seeing and reading, I don't think this guy on Instagram is gay. (But I admit I could be wrong!) And all of the pics he sent me were posted on IG.A little more searching, and I find his Facebook page, and discover that Instagram/Facebook guy is only 26, and that he is stationed in Japan until May (US military, which he told me about during our initial chat). There was even a photo of him standing in front of a Japanese storefront that had been upload just 10 hours earlier.I am, at this point, 100% positive I am being catfished, and tell myself that when we next chat I am going to prove it.Last night, he contacts me on Hangouts, and we're chatting again. I asked him how the weather was in LA, and he said he was in Las Vegas. I replied I knew it was Los/Las something, but it had slipped my mind. If he were real, he would have told me Japan, right?I continued talking with him, asking him questions in the hopes of catching him in catfishing me. I asked about the kind of car he owned, because I know IG/FB man was restoring an older Porsche and had a motorcycle.He responded saying he had a motorcycle and sent me a picture. He also sent a picture of the Porsche. As well as a pic of him, his mother, and his sister (after I told him I had spent the day with my sister).And this is where my 100% certainty I was being catfished, dropped to just 75%. Those last three pictures he sent were not posted on IG/FB, and reverse lookup reveals no hits online.The vehicles and people match what I had already seen in IG/FB, but they are different pics, especially of his mother and sister.He then asked me if I had gone back onto that dating app. So I told him I had, because I had gotten a message from (from a woman, which was true! It's not a strictly gay app.) and I told him about the second profile.He absolutely flipped out! He asked me for the profile name, so I gave it to him, and he came back even more freaked out. He said the photo was from an old OKCupid account he no longer had. (The photo was posted to IG a few years ago, I looked it up.)Then he said he had to go, and would talk to me later.So, here is where I am having some problems. I am still pretty sure he is catfishing me, especially since when I mentioned we could video chat through Hangouts he was reluctant to do so, saying he was on duty and couldn't do that while working.I have three different places where an age is mentioned, and only FB has a verifiable age, which is much younger than what I was led to believe.I have 4 different locations, but IG and FB both say he is in Japan.But I also have photos that can't be found online, which would indicate that he might actually be who he says he is.So, do I continue trying to catch him as a catfish, or should I just block him and forget it? I admit that trying to catch him was fun in a devious sort of way, but I don't want to waste too much time dealing with it.

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