2018. január 19., péntek

I need some advice and I have no one url I can talk to.

Well first I'd like to say that I'm bisexual nobody knows and my best friend is straight. Or maybe not. Me and my best friend hang out all the time. We play video games and hang out on our days off work and a lot of the time I'll spend the night. Lately my friend has been wearing male leggings, and usually I can see his dick through his pants when we are playing video games together. But last night we were watching a movie, and he had the biggest hard on while we were sitting right next to each other. When I noticed I thought maybe he was trying to make a move or something. But I was so in shock that maybe he does want to do something with me that I ended up chickening out and not doing anything. I've never had sex with anybody or even had a real relationship so I'm not quite sure but I think he was. Did I miss out on an opportunity? Or am I just overlooking things, I mean he dates girls and says he's straight but he was fully erect last night. So if you have any advice that would be great as nobody knows I'm bisexual and I have nobody to talk to you about this.

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