2018. január 25., csütörtök

I can't understand.

I know sex and gender are starting to be seen as two separate things. I also know that some people feel they were born in the "wrong body". But when a guy says they feel like a girl, and vice versa, I can't understand how one can associate their perceived gender with the things that gender typically does. Like if you were born a male but like wearing dresses and makeup, doing girly activities, etc., why do you need to be perceived as a female in order to do those things? Why is your goal to change how people see you rather than learning to accept the body you were born with (and dressing/acting the way you want regardless)? And if I got this all wrong, then how do you separate your perceived gender from the man-made stereotypes of that gender in your mind?Then there are some people who don't conform to any gender, and while this is closer to what I'm getting at, I still can't understand their aversion to referring to themselves as their biological sex. They may see gender and/or sex as a label with all the aforementioned stereotypes attached, but again, gender nor sex should dictate one's activities/behavior. And there are others still who refer to themselves as one of 60+ possible genders, but doesn't anyone else think that's needlessly overcomplicating things?

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