2018. január 26., péntek

How to seek asylum?

Hello, as the title suggests, I'm thinking of seeking asylum so I will present my case and hope somebody knows how I can do it and CAN I do it, I'll try to give the least information I can to keep my identity private but if you feel like you need more elaboration on a certain point ask in the comments.First of all, I'm 17 years old so I'm considered underage in some countries and legal in others, I live in a country where homosexuality is not accepted yet legal, however, lynching can be a problem.I wanted to seek asylum in Europe mainly because It's closer to me and I just feel like it's for the best now with all the new immigration policies in the US.some of the problems that I feel like I will face is the following: * Denied for living in a country that homosexuality isn't illegal in (gay marriage is illegal by the way), but the main problem is my family, they're EXTREMELY Muslim, there's a 99% chance they will try to kill me if they find out. * I heard some countries ask for evidence of threat, but if I came out to get the evidence, I might not even have the chance to seek asylum, I could be killed right there and then. * I also heard that they ask for evidence on being homosexual which I have no problem doing anything to prove it unless they have some weird system for proof that I couldn't provide.And lastly, I looked into it and tried to do some research but I had trouble understanding most laws and requirements since I'm 17 so I would appreciate elaborated answers, I also plan on posting on r/legaladvice.Thanks in advance.

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