2018. január 19., péntek

Glassed for being gay?

Ok so I've experienced homophobia before as I think most people have but this is the most violent case I've ever had .So last Friday I was in my local pub having a few quiet drinks, no trouble until towards the end of the night I was speaking to a guy in the smoking shelter and the subject of women came up , so I casually said ' oh women aren't my thing'. He looked at me for a second and and asked (quite abrubtly) if I was gay and I answered yes . I've been drinking in that pub for a couple of years and I thought it was common knowledge . All of a sudden he totally flips out grabs a glass and smashes the top of it then holds it to my neck 😲 I left as soon as he let go to diffuse the situation . I just wanted to know what you guys thought ? Was I in the wrong? Anyways I'm back in there tonight I'm not letting one guy scare me away from my favourite pub

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